Three Things, Issue Twenty-Four

What a week this was–Christmas and its aftermath. Traditionally, one of my favorite weeks of the year. I typically take time off from work and let my eyes go all woozy and unfocused at the Christmas tree. I might crack a new book or two in between a few long, muddy hikes and spend at […]

Three Things, Issue Twenty-Three

Happy Christmas Eve, all you Christmas people. I get it–you’re busy, I’m busy–so I’ll make this short this week. Let me tell you about my life preservers–here are three things that saved me this year. THING ONE: MUSIC I disappear into the obscure murk of a club. Bodies melt. Energy exchange. Clatter and din. Vibration […]

Three Things, Issue Twenty-Two

Remember how we all couldn’t wait to be done with 2016? Yeah. Me, too. Despite our shiniest hopes, this year wasn’t much better. As 2017 begins to glimmer in our rearview mirror, I’m filling the last few blogs of this year with some reflections on the past twelve months. It’s been a real trudge, hasn’t […]

Three Things, Issue Twenty-One

“I’m losing you to the winter,” a dear friend recently lamented. There is more than a glimmer of truth to that statement. I’m presently headed into hibernation. But first, three things. SOMETHING I’M LISTENING TO: THE PACK A.D. It was last Thursday, after teaching three yoga classes, getting an awful, excruciating massage, then taking a […]

Three Things, Issue Twenty

I saw Santa today. Not the mall-variety Santa, but SANTA. The white-bearded guy was roaming the tree farm from where we cut our Christmas tree and the sight of him evoked nearly the same giddy reaction in me as it did in my five-year-old self. “Santa’s coming!” I hissed at my 18-year-old daughter as we […]