Three Things, Issue Seventeen

Let’s stop talking about women’s bodies. THING ONE: ME My job is bodies. I am a yoga teacher and I also work in the weight room at a gym. I’m not a personal trainer, but a “wellness coach.” I’m your pal at the gym. Your cheerleader. A friendly face when you can’t figure out how […]

Three Things, Issue Sixteen

It snowed this week. That was fun. Here’s three things I’ve been doing as I watch the snowflakes fly. SOMETHING I’M LISTENING TO: DIRTWIRE You always remember your first time. Mine was in the auditorium of Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. I was ten. Both my mom and dad were there. It was life-changing. […]

Smoky Pumpkin Soup

SMOKY PUMPKIN SOUP (Recipe adapted slightly from The Spectator via Steve Kidd.) 1 smallish pumpkin, ideally a medium-sized munchkin pumpkin (I used a sugar pumpkin.) 4-8 rashers of smoky streaky bacon 4 cloves garlic 1 onion 5 carrots 1 TB. smoked paprika 1 tsp. chilli flakes 1/2 tsp. dried sage 1/4 tsp. dried thyme 850ml […]