Risky Business

Day Five: What risks did you take in 2013? Let’s be clear: I am not a natural risk taker. But I am a big believer in getting out of my comfort zones. I lived my life out loud this year, louder than I ever have before. With that, came doing things that felt risky to […]

On Grief And Grieving

Day Four: What have you lost? What are you grieving? This year, thankfully, was not a year of loss. Friends and family, both human and furry, stayed relatively healthy and alive. Friendships were only strengthened, not lost. For all of this, I am grateful. But I began thinking about grief. About death and dying. It’s […]

Heart, What Do You Need?

Day three: Heart, what do you need? I need you to open me. Not just figuratively, either. But I need you to literally drop back into scary backbends in your yoga practice and have faith. I need you to practice physically opening me up and then remembering that come what may, you’ll be okay. I […]


Day Two asks “What made your soul feel nourished this year?” Some might imagine my answer would be “yoga.” And while there is much goodness derived from my yoga practice, it is not my go-to place when I need care and feeding of my spirit. My soul is nourished in the woods. Connecting my feet […]


“Describe your year in one word.” Expansive. Expansive in experiences, in relationships and in thought.  Expanding in every direction imaginable, and a few not imagined. It’s been a transitional year. One kid off at college in Arizona and another entering into high school. Neither needing their mom so much in a day-to-day, hands-on caring sort […]